Working Time Directive Opt Out Agreement Template

If you work in the United Kingdom, you may have heard about the Working Time Directive, which is a set of regulations that sets out the maximum number of hours an employee can work per week. The directive is designed to protect workers` health and safety by ensuring they have enough rest time between shifts.

However, some workers may be required to work longer hours than the maximum set out in the directive, either because they have a job that requires it, or because they have signed an opt-out agreement with their employer. In this article, we will be discussing what an opt-out agreement is, and how to create a template for it.

What is an opt-out agreement?

An opt-out agreement is a legal document that allows workers to voluntarily waive their right to work no more than 48 hours per week. This means that they can work longer hours if they wish, though they cannot be forced to do so. Employers must obtain the worker`s written agreement before the opt-out can take effect.

It`s important to note that even if you sign an opt-out agreement, you still have the right to take breaks and rest periods as required by law. You should also be aware that you can revoke your opt-out agreement at any time, by giving your employer notice in writing.

Creating a template for an opt-out agreement

If you are an employer, you may need to create opt-out agreements for your workers. Here are some tips for creating a template:

1. Start with a clear statement of purpose. The document should make it clear that the worker is waiving their right to work no more than 48 hours per week.

2. Include the worker`s name and job title. This will ensure that the agreement is specific to them.

3. Set out the terms of the opt-out agreement. This should include the maximum number of hours the worker can work per week, and any conditions or restrictions that apply.

4. Include a statement of understanding. The worker should sign the agreement to confirm that they understand the terms, and that they are voluntarily choosing to waive their rights.

5. Outline the revocation process. The document should make it clear how the worker can revoke the opt-out agreement, and what notice period is required.


Opt-out agreements can be a useful tool for employers and employees alike, but it`s important to make sure that they are created and implemented correctly. By following these tips, you can create a template that is clear, comprehensive, and legally sound. Remember, it`s always a good idea to seek legal advice if you`re unsure about any aspect of the process.
