Partial Release Agreement

A partial release agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partial release of a lien or mortgage. It is a common tool used by lenders and borrowers to release a portion of the collateral securing the loan while retaining the remainder as security.

Understanding the Basics of a Partial Release Agreement

A partial release agreement allows the borrower to sell a portion of the collateral that secures the loan while keeping the remaining collateral to continue securing the outstanding loan balance.

For instance, if a borrower is obligated to repay a $500,000 loan secured by a property worth $1,000,000, they may decide to sell a portion of the property to pay off a portion of the loan, and they require a partial release of lien or mortgage on the property.

The partial release agreement provides the necessary documentation that outlines the terms of the released collateral and the remaining collateral`s continued securing of the outstanding loan balance.

The terms of the agreement may include the amount of the released collateral and the remaining balance that the lender will still hold the lien or mortgage on. The agreement will also outline any conditions that the borrower must meet to secure the release of the collateral.

Reasons for a Partial Release Agreement

A partial release agreement is a useful tool for lenders and borrowers in various scenarios, such as:

1. Property Development – When a borrower is developing a property, they may require funds to finance the development. Instead of securing the entire property, a partial release agreement may be used to secure only a portion of the property against the loan while retaining the remaining property as security.

2. Refinancing – A borrower may require a partial release of their property to refinance an existing loan. The agreement releases a portion of the collateral to the borrower, which can be used to repay the existing loan.

3. Sales and Purchases – A borrower may require a partial release of the property to sell a portion of the collateral. The partial release agreement can be used to document the sale and release of the collateral while still securing the remaining collateral against the outstanding loan balance.


A partial release agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partial release of a lien or mortgage. It is a useful tool for both lenders and borrowers, allowing for the release of a portion of the collateral while still securing the outstanding loan balance. As with any legal document, it is essential to seek professional advice to ensure that the agreement is structured correctly and meets the parties` needs.
